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Kenzie Kasdan is a graphic designer and fine artist based in Long Beach. She specializes in branding, logo design, typography, and is slightly obsessed with packaging. Kenzie strives to create custom-made, out-of-this-world bottle packaging that will blow everyone’s mind, and will eventually design and cook in her own cafe on the shores of some small coastal town.

What does your Visions logo mean to you?

Roughly cut strips of cardstock spread leftover, smelly ink onto several sheets of reflective paper, yielding flamboyant forms of color turned to letterforms which now make up my logo. I love getting messy like this, using whatever tools I can get my hands on to push the boundaries of graphic design. My process always involves sketching, smudging, and stained fingerprints, which is why I used ink as the catalyst for my logo.

What is the dream project for you?

A dream project would be to create work for a film project. I greatly admire Annie Atkin’s contributions to Wes Anderson’s films, and would love to create work for a film in similar fashion.

How has your work developed since the beginning of the BFA program?

In the beginning I strayed from incorporating any sort of fine art into my design out of slight resentment, thinking graphic design needed to be done only on a laptop. I think AP Art in high school turned painting sour for me, and as time went by the feeling passed and I regained my passion for messy image-making. Now, my work feels more intentional than ever before, and I will try my best to sneak in any fine art I can into my designs.

What is the biggest challenge you've faced and how did you overcome it?

ORGANIZATION. I thought I was a cool, go-with-the-flow gal, but secretly I admire order. It took me a while to realize a great deal of my anxiety and stress was rooted in disorganization and having too many tasks with no prioritization. Now I’m on a semi-strict diet consisting of google tasks, an apple calendar, several sticky notes, one notebook/planner, and the ripped out pages of a calendar stacked on top of each other taped to the wall.